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Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 01:27:01 GMT
2879 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Kecia Hansen writes:
In lugnet.adventurers, Mark de Kock writes:
If you go to and do a search for set# 7410, you get to see the
new Adventurers, including the names and extra pictures! To bad the link to
the line-up still shows "nothing to see here"...

/\/\ark -but not available yet- de Kock

Thanks Mark,

Cool. Just checked all the sets! Seems they have just been added today. I
have tried searching for them several times lately.

Description of #7414 seems to have an error. It states that Dr. Kilroy
should be in it. This is wrong though - it should be Pippin Read if I'm not

Love the new logo and the look of the new boxes.

Hmm, and Mr. Hates has kept his Lord Samuel Sinister name.

Too bad, they aren't available yet, and the prices aren't there either.


The prices seem to be available now, as well as the sets which can be ordered.

I must echo Kecia's comments about the logo and look of the new boxes.

View the entire theme with pieces, prices, and names at:

Now to run to Wal-Mart...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
(...) Thanks for the info, Kevin (even if I have to change SaH country to US if I wan't to see the sets - Denmark don't have them!). The Yeti in set 7412 don't impress me, but I'm rather thrilled at the Mongolian hat Pippin is wearing (there are 2 (...) (22 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.adventurers)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
(...) Thanks Mark, Cool. Just checked all the sets! Seems they have just been added today. I have tried searching for them several times lately. Description of #7414 seems to have an error. It states that Dr. Kilroy should be in it. This is wrong (...) (22 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to lugnet.adventurers)

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