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Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 16:51:32 GMT
2633 times
I will try to scan and post a picture today.

here is said scan:

it can be a tad blurry, since I expanded it soo big.  It was 2X (4" x 6")
to start out with.

Thanks, Ben.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
(...) Hi Ben, Thanks a lot for the scan. Looks great. It's interesting, that #7417 has 4 minifigs (and now includes Mr.Hates), rather than only 3 shown in previous images that we have seen. Also #7412 has a minifig as well as the Yeti. This wasn't (...) (22 years ago, 12-Dec-02, to lugnet.adventurers)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new adventure sets at Walmart (adventurers game)
(...) I will try to scan and post a picture today. (...) No. The new main "baddie" looks like a cross between Baron von Baron and Ogel (Ogel from the Alpha Team II/Underwater series)... you can still call him Mr. Hates. Baron Ogel is what I call (...) (22 years ago, 12-Dec-02, to lugnet.adventurers)

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