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Re: Message awaiting authentication
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 16:58:03 GMT
1180 times
In lugnet.faq, Neb Okla wrote:
I don't want to use the web client.  It's clunky.

With NNTP, I can read posts offline, choose my NNTP client (thus finding a
UI that is right for me), etc.

I also know that Lugnet members have a username and password.  One would
wonder then why the NNTP service simply doesn't require a user to login?

Good question.  Are NNTP passwords transmitted in plain text?  Perhaps
that's the reason it's not been implemented on lugnet.  Or maybe it's
because they want to allow non members in via NNTP.  If that's the case,
why not allow members in with a password via a different port?

I know this can be done, because I operate one such NNTP server and it keeps
the Spam and bad people out, and also doesn't require cumbersome "approval"
messages for every post.

Then perhaps revisiting this discussion will produce a solution for
NNTP users.  Keep talking.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Message awaiting authentication
(...) Perhaps a clever coder could screenscrape LUGNET's web interface to give posting capabilities from their own private NNTP server fed article stream? (perhaps supplied by the "avid" technology or something? I dunno) Meaning that the (...) (21 years ago, 26-Nov-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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