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Re: **Auczilla domain has been hijacked for adult content**
Sat, 20 Oct 2001 04:36:33 GMT
201 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.admin.general, Matthew Gerber writes:
In, James Brown writes:

Pretty much what it says, I'm afraid.  Please update your links appropriately.

(thanks to Joel McKale for giving me the heads up; he's not where he can
post right now, but dropped me a line)


(crossposted for visibility, FUT to admin.general)

Ut we go again! This one is VERY invasive, and there is no buffer
page this time.

Ok, do we maybe need to collectively scratch our heads and develop a list of
commonly linked sites that we the community need to watch? That is, keep an
eye on their name expiration and if it gets close and the owner isn't
keeping things up, hound the owner with notes, send money and at last
resort, step in to buy the domain before some camper does?

Or was this one really a hack as opposed to a lapse?

Problem with this plan is, have we already lost the *most* linked ones? Is
this a post equine departure barn portal securement strategy?

I think Todd would be the first to say that "we" haven't lost
anything...another case of his domain, his loss, his potential problem.

As you, Larry, and others have touched on quite recently, Auczilla just
ain't a going concern right now (though I would have probably enjoyed
participating, I found the community after the last auction).

Get the word out-"Change/delete those links folks!"-and that's about the
most we can do...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: **Auczilla domain has been hijacked for adult content**
(...) In one sense I totally agree. We lost nothing. HE lost his property. But in another I do not agree. While Todd has no obligation to anyone to keep his domains owned, I did *indeed* suffer a loss when Fibblesnork went away. I lost time I would (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: **Auczilla domain has been hijacked for adult content**
(...) Ok, do we maybe need to collectively scratch our heads and develop a list of commonly linked sites that we the community need to watch? That is, keep an eye on their name expiration and if it gets close and the owner isn't keeping things up, (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to lugnet.admin.general)

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