The issue with fractioning groups is that a fan must scan more groups to
find new MOC's.
I only build mini-fig style models, but I like to look at pretty-much
everything else.
I think that the mecha sub-group is a good idea because it is a HUGE
percentage of the MOCS out there. However, there are a lot fewer sculpture
Because of this issue, I think that splintering the groups makes builders
more motivated to cross-post. For instance, if I were to build a sculpture,
I would be tempted to post it both to the sculpture group AND build.
Interestingly enough, I find that a lot of people don't even scan "build."
Occasionally, I'll be naughty and sneak a MOC post into general or
something, and people will say something like "Hey - I didn't know you were
building all that cool stuff!" In fact, I think I was actively posting on
LUGNET for about 6 months before I even found out about build. If we
further sub-divide build, then this problem will become more acute.
That's my 2 cents. I would prefer to see it remain all in "build," but I
don't intend to throw a big stink if they are split.
Todd Lehman <lehman@javanet.com> wrote in message
> In lugnet.admin.general, Eric Kingsley writes:
> > Just a thought because of all the great Sculpture's that have been showing
> > up lately from Eric H. and Henry L. and others. It seems worthy to me
> > although I don't know about how others feel about further
> > compartmentalization.
> >
> > I love the stuff and would like a good one step place to look to find more
> > info just in case I decide to try my hand at sculpting in the future.
> EricH, HenryL, etc. -- what do you think? Would this help or would this
> contribute to unneeded fragmentation? Do you read .build reguarly? If not,
> would you read a .build.sculpture regularly?
> I think it's a great idea, but only if the advantages outweigh the
> disadvantages. The current .build group certainly isn't high-traffic, but
> its .mecha subgroup has proven quite useful.
> --Todd
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