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 Administrative / General / 14023
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Re: 6030 MISB lost in Slovakia
Mon, 2 Jun 2008 18:56:49 GMT
9548 times
In lugnet.castle, Richie Dulin wrote:
   In lugnet.castle, Timothy Gould wrote:
   In lugnet.castle, Martin Srb wrote:
   In lugnet.castle, Anne Schubert wrote:
I sold a MISB 6030 LEGO 1984 Catapult set to XXXXXXX from the Republic of Slovakia on eBay who has the eBay member name XXXXXXX and whose email address is


A couple of days ago, on some other website, I read a message from a Slovakian AFOL complaining about not getting an uninsured MISB 6030... yes, it was him. In my opinion, it is definitely not honest to make public his full name, member name and e-mail address here. --snip-- Regards, Martin

Most certainly posting a full and raw e-mail address is extremely rude and disrespectful. I note that Anne includes an anti-spam section in her own posting address here and to not offer the some privilege to someone else is particularly bad mannered.


Indeed. Though I find myself wondering why Martin’s, John’s and your posts were all crossposted to off-topic.debate. The content, while probably off-topic for castle, is not off-topic per se, in my view.

I’ve set the FUT to lugnet.admin.general


Richie Dulin
CO Legeaux

In my opinion the message should have been posted in

As for Anne posting the e-mail address of the person, that might have been over the top, but she could have instead posted the particulars of the auction.

The overall transaction is a cautionary tale about doing business with certain individual overseas. Not that I have had anything go that sour, I guess I’m lucky, I suppose.

just my 2 cents worth, Ben

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 6030 MISB lost in Slovakia
(...) Indeed. Though I find myself wondering why Martin's, John's and your posts were all crossposted to off-topic.debate. The content, while probably off-topic for castle, is not off-topic per se, in my view. I've set the FUT to (...) (17 years ago, 2-Jun-08, to lugnet.castle,, lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

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