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 Administrative / General / 13547
13546  |  13548
Re: This is it: We're moving!
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 14:26:21 GMT
6423 times
Chris Magno wrote:

Listen, Jerry,

this is all well and good, but on the last server, I left a few MILLION
Euros,  if you happen to find them, just let me know.



BTW.  GREAT job on the switch over.

I hope he did a thourough wipe of those disks ;)

But seriously, indeed an awesome job on the move! Apart from seeing a few
spam notes, I didn't know it happened until after the posts about the
remaining few issues came in. So at least to me it could not have been more
flawless. As a fellow sysadmin I can only take my hat off and bow deep...
Jan-Albert van Ree   |

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: This is it: We're moving!
(...) Listen, Jerry, this is all well and good, but on the last server, I left a few MILLION Euros, if you happen to find them, just let me know. thanks Chris #91 BTW. GREAT job on the switch over. (19 years ago, 18-Jun-06, to lugnet.admin.general)

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