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 Administrative / General / 10378
  Re: slow server startup
(...) that actually proves my point... the server _is_ doing auths (I could show you my firewall logs)... the fact that they don't get to your firewall could explain part of the problem. I'm assuming that you get the delay before nntp works right? (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) wrapped (...) (port (...) That sounds feasible, except for one thing - I run Outpost on my PC which logs all allowed and denied connections in and out, and I don't (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
(...) How about turning off the auth attempt? With the e-mail authorization mechanism, it is rather unnecessary... --Bill. (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) No. Facts: 1) I don't have any delay. (I subscribed 40 groups and it takes 3-5 seconds to refresh them all) 2) No auth requests reach my firewall (I could show my (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
"Daniel Crichton" <> wrote in message (...) auth (...) and (...) auth (...) the (...) I agree. I don't have any ISP (I mean I *am* the ISP) and so I can safely exclude the second option. This leave (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
(...) not likely that I have a transparent proxy at the ISP level, but it is possible, of course. I do think it's more likely that some network is automatically responding to all auth requests than some network sending auth requests where there were (...) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
(...) just a nit - we're not talking about delay in refreshing newsgroups, but in establishing a connection to the server to begin with. Could it be that since you're always online you never close the connection? (...) hmmm... I get to lugnet (...) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
(...) auth is useless, and has been for the last 10 years or so. I know of no computer that replys to auth truthfully, and even if it does, it proves nothing. I'd disable it if it was easy, but it seems it might take a recompile of the nntpd server, (...) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: slow server startup
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) I just checked the logs. Outlook Express (yes, I know, M$, etc. etc....) does TPC FIN after any account syncronization. The firewall does a teardown of any connection (...) (23 years ago, 18-Apr-02, to lugnet.admin.general)

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