| | Re: ISD in costruzione!
(...) 9 ore di fila.... un sogno! (...) Certo che c'è posto! Quanto ne vuoi! (...) Ci vogliono quattro bambini che lo sollevano e un quinto che fa il rumore con la bocca! (...) Non ti resta che toppare i buchi e migliorarla! Ciao Marco (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Presentazione & c.
(...) [...] Io ne ho 37... :) [...] (...) Complimenti! Avevo visto le immagini su Brickshelf, ma non avevo idea fossero di un italiano. Devo dire che mi piace il design degli edifici, e soprattutto dei camioncini, molto semplice e realistico allo (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Moduli old style
(...) Stai suggerendo di fare un modulo di collegamento con una "S" per interfacciare il mio? Sarebbe comunque tutto vuoto nella parte centrale per mancanza di tempo e poi non so se i treni larghi 8 sono così contenti di fare la "S". La mia idea era (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Re: Presentazione & c.
ciao, benvenuto!! che dire, sei partito alla grande, complimenti. Spero che tu continui, anche su questo NG. PS. io ho 48 anni!!! Giuliano (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)
 | | Another 13 auction hit the block today.
Hi All, Once again I am selling a bunch of minifigs and accessories. There are Centaurs, a huge Orc horde, Mercenaries, Mercenaries on horses, shields and tons of armor. Check them out here: (URL) Enjoy and good luck! Will (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.market.auction)
 | | Re: Faile Street
(...) Excellent work! I especially like the various styles of your buildings, and it's great to see that the Fire Dept. still responds to calls in this district. If anything, maybe more tires are needed in the vacant lot. Where is the (URL) Urban (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.town, FTX)
 | | Re: NXT encoders: absolute or relative? (was Re: The NXT NDA is relaxed...)
(...) relative. As you suggested, if you turn off the NXT, it will loose track of it's current location. Steve (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
 | | Re: My First few NXT MOCs
My BrickShelf NXT folder is now Public! (URL) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | NXT encoders: absolute or relative? (was Re: The NXT NDA is relaxed...)
(...) I have a question about the encoders on the NXT motor. I read that they're supposed to report the shaft position to within 1 degree. But looking at the encoder wheel actually inside the device, I don't see how that can be. It looks to me like (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
 | | Re: Wasp Copter from Ghost in the Shell: SAC
(...) Tim, that is quite nice. I really like the rendering as well. Is it POV-RAY + LGEO primitives? G (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.space, FTX)
 | | Re: NXT to NXT communication?
(...) Rosco, The NXT to NXT communication works very well, and is easy to use. Here's some video of an NXT controller for an NXT robot... (URL) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: Introducing Harry Vig
(...) Perhaps you failed to notice the other customer in the bar... ;) (...) If I had my way, all seats would be pink. I can never get enough pink. I have no dark pink though :( (...) And thanks to you too. Allister (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: Introducing Harry Vig
(...) whateva (...) I have a few more ideas for Harry. A weekend in Coolum has delayed them a bit, but they're coming... Thanks Selçuk. Allister (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: NXT to NXT communication?
(...) Hey Ross, With bluetooth built in, there is no real need for any other kind of brick to brick communication to be investigated. Bluetooth is a professional strength protocol with all the necessary networking features. Since it uses gobs of (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: Introducing Harry Vig
(...) Thanks Richie. The variety of minifig faces available today are a real boon to the vignette-maker. Choosing the right expression is a surprisingly time consuming, but satisfying activity, especially considering my somewhat random minifig (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | 3 life-size human busts built for Herman Miller "See magazine"
Hi again, everybody! Back in February I was asked to build three life-size monochromatic human busts. They were included in Herman Miller's award-winning design magazine, "SEE", alongside an article about the humanization of architecture and design. (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.build.sculpture, FTX)
 | | Re: My First few NXT MOCs
(...) I'm confused why this particular post is in the headlines (for a couple days at the time of this response). No one has highlighted it and its only a follow-up. Sorry to beat a dead horse, but deosn't someone watch for stuff like this and tune (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.admin.general)
 | | Re: NXT firmware to be open source
(...) The LEGO Mindstorms Driver SDK is dual platform (PC and Mac). It is built upon the National Instruments NI-VISA interface. The main driver component is called Fantom. It exposes a set of C functions and C++ classes which let you communicate (...) (19 years ago, 3-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | Re: NXT to NXT communication?
(...) What about multiple NXTs? How well does Bluetooth handle message collisions? Does the NXT have anything built-in to handle them, or would I need to program some kind of re-try protocol? I assume it also has no built-in addressing protocol? (...) (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.robotics)
 | | NXT
(URL) Cheers. Carlo LugNet #24 (19 years ago, 2-May-06, to lugnet.org.it.itlug)