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Rutland Boxcar #104
lugnet.trains, lugnet.announce.moc,,
Sat, 6 Oct 2007 23:10:11 GMT
! (details)
38819 times
One of the positive sides of all the recent talk of 9v trains is that it got me building again. I don’t usually post renders, but I liked the way this one turned out, and I don’t (yet) have the pieces to build it.

Here is my version of Rutland Railroad’s boxcar #104:

Prototype information is here. Reading through that page, there is some debate about the color of the roof on the original cars. I went with yellow since that’s what most of the eyewitnesses claim to remember.

Sadly, the Rutland died back in the 1960’s, but the bright green and yellow boxcars make excellent models. The door is based on Chris Masi’s excellent opening door design, which has become my default for boxcars. Sticker .dat’s were generated using Scott Wardlaw’s sticker generator, and the trucks are those that were featured in the first issue of RailBricks.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Rutland Boxcar #104
(...) That looks awesome! I'm also glad to know that my Sticker Generator software is being used. If you have any ideas on how to improve the software, please let me know. Again, really great looking model of such a historic box car! Scott (17 years ago, 7-Oct-07, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Rutland Boxcar #104
(...) Great boxcar Elroy, and thanks for the nod... but if we spreading credit around, then I should let you know that the slide is based on a suggestion by James Mathis. On the other hand, you deserve all the credit for coming up with a great (...) (17 years ago, 7-Oct-07, to lugnet.trains)

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