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Re: Have you seen these pictures? Bridge of 5.15 m length....
Sat, 8 Dec 2001 08:58:21 GMT
2436 times
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In lugnet.trains, Ross Crawford writes:
In lugnet.trains, Reinhard "Ben" Beneke writes:
In lugnet.trains, John Gerlach writes:

So the single span itself isn't quite 5.15 m, it's "only" 4 m - still a VERY
impressive piece of LEGO engineering!!

It is in fact 5.15, wich can be recognised if you count the monorail track
pieces: there are 20 sections of monorail: each is 32 studs long. Makes 640
studs total length which is 5.12 meters.

Well, just being picky, but it looks to me like there's only about 19 monorail
sections *between* the footings, but whats 32 studs between friends? 8?)

You are right: there are "only" 19 full sections on the bridge, but of course
there are two times 50% of a section too

To the *centre* of the footings, yes. But not *between* the footings. I'm
not actually sure where the span of various bridges is measured, but I
thought in such a bridge it would be the distance between nearest
extremities of the footings. Anyone know?

(easily to see on the left and since
the bridge is symmetric it has to be on the right too).
Makes 20 in total and still 640 studs...



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have you seen these pictures? Bridge of 5.15 m length....
(...) You are right: there are "only" 19 full sections on the bridge, but of course there are two times 50% of a section too (easily to see on the left and since the bridge is symmetric it has to be on the right too). (URL) 20 in total and still 640 (...) (22 years ago, 5-Dec-01, to lugnet.trains)

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