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Re: Dodgem Cars
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sat, 7 Apr 2007 09:21:09 GMT
7341 times
In, Rob Hendrix wrote:
What was your solution to attach the magnets to the chain links?  If you
used glue, what was the type?

I tried a few methods including bluTac, but I have lots of spare links so I
opted to use some of those. The only way I could attach them successfully was to
use a drop of superGlue. The magnets can still be pulled free if need be.

That was probably the thing I didn't expect when I first started working on this
idea. Once several magnets had connection there was a lot of torque placed on
the chain and motor. It took a few attempts to get the balance right.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Dodgem Cars
"Peter Edwards" <> wrote in message (...) used glue, what was the type? -Rob (17 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to, lugnet.trains)

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