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 Technic / 16055
16054  |  16056
Re: Inchworm 4
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 01:04:42 GMT
9386 times
In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
I was playing with pneumatic piston and switch linkages trying to improve on the
geometries I've developed in the past.

This lead to inchworm 4.

Inchworm 4 has two waves travel down its body like inchworm 3

The big difference is the design of an individual body segment, which ends up
looking like a 7.  A typical linkage involves a beam running parallel to the
piston, with the piston offset from the beam and hooked to a switch.

Inchworm 4 has the piston in-line with the supporting beam.  A lever hooks the
piston to the switch, as seen here:

The orange 1x5 thick beam in the middle is the lever that hooks the piston to
the switch.

This new design makes for a very sleak and simplified than that in inchworm 3

There are more pictures here:

For some of my old and dear friends, please notice the use of a wide variety of
colors (does John Barnes have enough time to read technic anymore?)



I forgot to mention that Inchworm 4 can inch forward or backward by flipping the
polarity reversors on its head.


Message is in Reply To:
  Inchworm 4
I was playing with pneumatic piston and switch linkages trying to improve on the geometries I've developed in the past. This lead to inchworm 4. (URL) 4 has two waves travel down its body like inchworm 3 (URL) big difference is the design of an (...) (16 years ago, 26-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc)  

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