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Re: Technic Manas Truck
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 03:32:22 GMT
9615 times
   A Technic truck based around the motor packs in the Bionicle Manas set (ugly crab things... only bought them for parts). I got them cheap from an electronics store here in Australia for about $30 US... I also picked up a Dark Side Developer’s Kit (AT-AT walker thingy) for $15 AUS dollars - that’s about $10 US? Bargain!

Ah, so it was you that got those, i was watching them for too long.

   Anyway, the Truck is controlled via IR remote for steering and back/forward movement, using one Manas motor unit. The other motor unit built into the trailer lifts and lowers the ramps.

There’s a few hastles with these manas units. First, they’re not very powerful.

I beg to differ. I found they spin at fairly high rpm allowing a substantial down ratio improving torque.

   Second, the positions of pin holes and mounts are at strange offsets, so to attach a model to the top mounts (lift-arm style) and use axle port coming out of the studded style area, you need to do some nifty half-stud offsetting...
Agreed, they’er not a studless part. I built them into a (studded) crawler crane a few months ago.
But, I’ve got some plans for these units... Gonna try an excavator, a larger sports car, and a few other things...

And, yes, for those observant folks out there, the truck is the same color as the millenia car because I’ve got limited lego stocks... The car is no more.

This all was basically a test to see what is achievable with these manas things... anyone else own them and used them for anything? I was able (after a few breakages) to lift a beer at over 1 meter from the base using the power of bionicle mana.

I’d buy more if there were more channels available.... waiting for the bulldozer...

Good luck with the next project. Steve

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  Technic Manas Truck
Hey guys... Might remember me... I posted the "Millenia Car" last year (was on the side bar for ages!). Anyway, finally got around to building something else (I lead a busy life). (URL) Technic truck based around the motor packs in the Bionicle (...) (17 years ago, 19-Mar-07, to lugnet.technic)  

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