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 Technic / 15398
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Re: United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
Mon, 16 Oct 2006 14:47:26 GMT
6793 times
In lugnet.technic, William R. Ward wrote:
   Aircraft are difficult to taxonomize on LUGNET. This isn’t a military plane, but military fans will recognize the “gooney bird” - the military’s version of the DC-3 - so I included that. I decided to post it mainly under Technic because of the working parts, though most of the plane isn’t really Technic. I’m including Town because that’s the closest minifig theme, and while it is roughly minifig scale the minifigs can’t fit inside due to all the mechanical and structural parts. And I’m including my local and club groups. I wish we had, but there is no such thing.


Wow, this is awesome. It’s hard to capture a streamlined shape in Lego, but you’ve captured a DC-3, I didn’t even need the name to recognize it.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
(...) Well it helps that it's one of the most recognizable planes ever made... (18 years ago, 18-Oct-06, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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  United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
Aircraft are difficult to taxonomize on LUGNET. This isn't a military plane, but military fans will recognize the "gooney bird" - the military's version of the DC-3 - so I included that. I decided to post it mainly under Technic because of the (...) (18 years ago, 16-Oct-06, to lugnet.technic,, lugnet.announce.moc,,,, FTX) !! 

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