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 Technic / 15393
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Re: United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
lugnet.technic, lugnet.announce.moc
Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:02:53 GMT
14060 times


Click the photo above to see more, or click to look on Flickr (slideshow) or on Brickshelf. And of course there’s the blog entry.

Nice aircraft. At first glance I would have said it was a bit chubby but reading that you fit a bunch of working stuff in there I would turn that around to say lovely compromise between form and function.

I think your tail solution is perfect and I fully intend to steal it when/if I build another aircraft.

Really great built.


PS. X-posted this response to .announce.moc (one way of getting around theme blurring models ;) )

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
(...) OK. I'll out myself as an idiot before someone else does. I completely missed this model in .announce.moc (not once but twice) and figured it wasn't there. At least I was being stupid for a good cause ;) Tim (18 years ago, 16-Oct-06, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
(...) Originally I was going to go 6-wide, but went to 8-wide when I decided to add the mechanisms. (...) It's the same design as my previous big plane, the PB4Y-2: (URL) Really great built. Thanks!! (18 years ago, 18-Oct-06, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  United Air Lines DC-3 with working props and landing gear
Aircraft are difficult to taxonomize on LUGNET. This isn't a military plane, but military fans will recognize the "gooney bird" - the military's version of the DC-3 - so I included that. I decided to post it mainly under Technic because of the (...) (18 years ago, 16-Oct-06, to lugnet.technic,, lugnet.announce.moc,,,, FTX) !! 

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