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Re: Exploration Drill
Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:03:55 GMT
813 times
In, Nick Kappatos wrote:
   Submitted for your approval, a MOC that’s been around for a while, but never posted:

Originally built for Scibrick displays last November, the drill was never in my possesion long enough for photography. I’ve had it for about 4 months now, and here we are.

This was built with playability in mind. The cabin is composed mostly of old-style hinge 4x4 plates, which can be flipped open for fig-manipulation. The boom raises into place, and the drill shaft can extend a bit, about 1.5x the height of the cabin.

In most mining & exploration activities, earthbound or not, various drills are used for core sampling & production blasting. Here we see the drill chipping away at Teddy Welsh’s Lunar Cheese Mine, which proves that cutting the cheese doesn’t always involve explosions.

As always, PLMKWYT - I live for your approval.
Nick Kappatos
Notable Playboy
Cat lover

I like the extending drill. I think it’s a pretty good design, and it incorporates more playability than Fradel’s mom.

-Dan Rubin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Exploration Drill
(...) The F-Dog has been nothing but cordial to you. And this, THIS.... is how you repay him. Well done. But, forewarned is forearmed, Fradel's mom will rock your world in Ms. PacMan. She suffers no fools. -nk (20 years ago, 21-Sep-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Exploration Drill
Submitted for your approval, a MOC that's been around for a while, but never posted: (URL) Originally built for Scibrick displays last November, the drill was never in my possesion long enough for photography. I've had it for about 4 months now, and (...) (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to, FTX) ! 

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