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Subscribe as mailing list– Focused discussion group for LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ Vision Command™ and related components: the LEGO Cam, vision recognition, algorithms, software engineering, projects, ideas, etc.

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  Re: Vision Command Books
(...) I am working on a program that posterizes an image. Can you do this with theThreshold, MorphOpen, MorphClose, MorphProperOpen, MorphProperClose, MorphThin and Invert commands in RoboLab? (7 years ago, 10-Apr-17, to
  Looking for VisionCenter Examples
I will be developing a program that distills a real time image into a aesthetic number using frequency & spatial filtering, quantitative, morphology and pattern matching through the VisionCenter. My reference work will be to use known masterpieces (...) (16 years ago, 25-Nov-07, to
  Re: OS-X driver for the Vision Command cam ?
(...) good for anything else. Does anyone else's run faster? (17 years ago, 17-May-07, to
  replacing the VC camera
Summoning the great minds of Lugnet, I put forth a question: How hard is it to cause Lego's Vision Command software to view/use a different USB camera? I have multiple USB cameras, as well as a firewire camera that I would rather use. (Especially (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to

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