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Re: High Failure Rate of New Type 9V Geared Motor
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Sat, 22 Oct 2005 01:24:04 GMT
6847 times
In lugnet.robotics, Nathan Bell wrote:
Do you think it is excessive torque, excessive use, or just a bad piece design
that causes this problem?

I suspect it's bad design. Perhaps the way the brushes rub on the PCB as pointed
out by Philo ( "This higher friction
explains why 43362 stops faster when you give the shaft a twirl, and why its
no-load current is higher (9mA vs. 3.5mA)".

Its performance is degraded compared to the earlier motor (#71427). The only
advantage seems to be its lighter weight.

In previous posts misgivings have been expresed about this new motor which I am
now re-voicing:

C S Soh

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: High Failure Rate of New Type 9V Geared Motor
(...) I'm guessing it may also be cheaper / easier to manufacture. ROSCO (19 years ago, 22-Oct-05, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: High Failure Rate of New Type 9V Geared Motor
(...) I sent Nathanael Kuipers an email regarding the motors and asked him to forward it to the proper person. Do you think it is excessive torque, excessive use, or just a bad piece design that causes this problem? Nathan (19 years ago, 21-Oct-05, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

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