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Re: Lego® Technic Motor (43362) internals
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:29:48 GMT
5431 times
"Philippe Hurbain" <> writes:

Indeed, I see no technical or dimensions problems that would prevent using a
hole. But perhaps that was not possible in 71427 - and compatibility rules !!!

I think it should have been possible there as well
(I have a disassembled 71427 that was broken).

As for compatibility, if you put an axle 2 into the hole
it should be pretty much equivalent, maybe not as strong mechanically.

Another question is why they make a new version.
From the specs it seems to be slightly worse,
so is it cheaper to manufacture or more reliable?
Any ideas?


Jürgen Stuber <>

I åa ä e ö å i öa ä e å.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego® Technic Motor (43362) internals
Indeed, I see no technical or dimensions problems that would prevent using a hole. But perhaps that was not possible in 71427 - and compatibility rules !!! Philo (...) A small one, it works fine now! (...) (21 years ago, 11-Dec-02, to lugnet.technic)

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