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Re: Is there any interest in a tiny scout-like brick?
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 09:20:46 GMT
Bert van Dam <bvandam@zonnet.STOPSPAMnl>
2155 times
It looks very interesting!

Maybe you could sell just the 'difficult' parts like the controller and the
interface and leave the rest up to the individual buyers.

Bert  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Jackson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: Is there any interest in a tiny scout-like brick?

In an effort to not take 2+ years to get pictures from my camera to my
website, here's a brief photo update on the project:

Having mangled, er, adapted only my second 2x8 electrical plate to make it • 4
individual 2x2 pads, I'm starting to think that the fabrication aspect of
making these bricks would drive me to drink.  So proposing to sell them
might have been premature.  :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Is there any interest in a tiny scout-like brick?
In an effort to not take 2+ years to get pictures from my camera to my website, here's a brief photo update on the project: (URL) mangled, er, adapted only my second 2x8 electrical plate to make it 4 individual 2x2 pads, I'm starting to think that (...) (21 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to lugnet.robotics)

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