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 Robotics / 20622
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Re: Is there any interest in a tiny scout-like brick?
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 12:43:15 GMT
2105 times
In lugnet.robotics, Lester Witter writes:


If I were thinking up a next generation brick I would move in the direction of
modularity. I woud try to come up with an external bus/power distribution
concept that would allow a smaller (possibly externally powered) CPU unit which
would have lots of memory and some way to connect it to other modules. The CPU
would have just a couple of buttons and leds and maybe an IR port. Modules
could include lcds, powered outputs, various sensors, and (here's a big one)
standard interface modules such as RS232, USB or ethernet. If you used a
standard bus you coul even hang disk off it. There are some micro drives that
could fit in a few bricks


I thought this sort of system was actually being worked on by members of
LUGNET? I am sure there were several very long and very detailed discussions
not too long ago.

The "picoscout" sounds very cool to me. However, it sounds like there won't
be any sort of user programming capability allowed. This fact coupled with
the suggested price would make it a bit less attractive to me. Although it
would be cool to have a light sensor sized scout :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Is there any interest in a tiny scout-like brick?
(...) This sounds like an interesting idea. If you are looking for potential users try the train groups. Allot of the train builders are trying various remote control ideas for driving trains and operating track switches. If I were thinking up a (...) (21 years ago, 17-Apr-03, to lugnet.robotics)

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