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 Robotics / 20618
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Re: how can I get "manual" input into my RCX?
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 03:46:35 GMT
906 times
You could also use the Mindstorms Remote Control, which can send Messages 1, 2
and 3. As with touch sensors, you need to use a combination of messages to create
6 separate inputs. (I recall an old thread on this exploring many encoding schemes.)

Jonathan Wilson wrote:
I am working on a model that requires me being able to send 6 different
inputs into my program

Message is in Reply To:
  how can I get "manual" input into my RCX?
I am working on a model that requires me being able to send 6 different inputs into my program (each will then trigger a motor in either forward or reverse for a set amount of time). I might be able to get away with only 4 inputs if I get rid of one (...) (21 years ago, 11-Apr-03, to lugnet.robotics)

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