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Re: Backgrounds
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 03:57:56 GMT
690 times
In lugnet.publish, Shiri Dori writes:
Hey Wilson,

Nice job with these! You got them looking pretty smooth.
I really need to get Photoshop. (I've been telling myself that for about six
months now.) My silly MGI PhotoSuite is worth what I paid for it (i.e.

I especially like the one with Flare, and the sunset pic... they look more
relaxed and natural, less forced; the one with Gage seems a tad forced,
because it seems like there would be something behind him (what he's standing
on... the airship?)

I was wondering what people would think of that one.  I kind of envisioned him
on the summit of a mountain.  That one was the first one I did and I thought
it'd look pretty cool, the dark clouds behind an evil guy.

Great job, in all!



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Backgrounds
Hey Wilson, Nice job with these! You got them looking pretty smooth. I really need to get Photoshop. (I've been telling myself that for about six months now.) My silly MGI PhotoSuite is worth what I paid for it (i.e. nothing). I especially like the (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-00, to lugnet.publish)

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