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 Pirates / 36
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Mast options
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 16:36:47 GMT
1467 times
I think I already know the answer to these questions, but I'm hoping I'm

It seems like the pirate-ship masts go together only one way: base-mast,
octagonal "crow's nest" platform, then the upper-mast.  Is there any other
useful way to put these pieces together?

Also (or more to the point), is there any way to vary the height of the
masts, other than building taller/shorter bases for the masts to stand on?


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Mast options
(...) Hmmm, there's a mast base, a thick lower section with a built-in base, a medium section, a skinny top section, and a "technic" section (the Armada Flagship uses this). I haven't really experimented with trying to get a precise size. I tend to (...) (25 years ago, 8-Oct-99, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: Mast options
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Steve Bliss (<>) wrote at 16:36:47 (...) You can lash them together in various ways, just like the real thing. I've only got the idea in my head at the moment, but you should be able to use multiple (...) (25 years ago, 8-Oct-99, to lugnet.pirates)
  Re: Mast options
The parts I have seen discussed look pretty complete, so I will only add my support for the lashing idea. The tallest mast I use on the Agamemnon starts with the tall mast base, a main mast, the the smallest of the top mast, to which I have attached (...) (25 years ago, 10-Oct-99, to lugnet.pirates)

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