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Re: PS Enterprise
Newsgroups:, lugnet.pirates
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:25:22 GMT
210 times
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
Very nice!  It looks very customised, which is to be expected
of any ship built on-site like that--fearsome, black-smoke
belching monster that it is.  Do you have any closer pictures
of the paddle gear, and has the steam engine been detailed?

Nice to know there'll be coal at Port Block.  We'll have to
visit sometime.  ;)

Sorry old man, not really an interiors kind of guy me.  I had four different
goes at paddle gear and wasn't happy with any of them, before I realised that
none of my efforts could be seen through the fairing and grille around the
wheel. Now, look ma, no wheels!

And there is a steam engine-ish lump in about the right place, but its not a
patch on the engines you've put together.  Just a red glow in the right place
and a governor-y looking attachment on the top up the other end from the smoke

And at this stage we're mainly burning wood.  Bring some coal with you when
you come ;-)

Still baldly going...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: PS Enterprise
(...) Wouldn't that be like sending coal to Newcastle? James (who fondly recalls the sight of the Enterprise stuck on a sandbank...) (24 years ago, 31-Jul-00, to, lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PS Enterprise
(...) Very nice! It looks very customised, which is to be expected of any ship built on-site like that--fearsome, black-smoke belching monster that it is. Do you have any closer pictures of the paddle gear, and has the steam engine been detailed? (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jul-00, to, lugnet.pirates)

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