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 Pirates / 1137
1136  |  1138
Re: Crooked mast extension bases...?
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 11:34:38 GMT
1028 times
Mmmmm.  I have two BSBs, one with the twist in both masts, one not.  Neither
of my forbidden island bits are twisted.

My solution was simply to rearrange the height of the masts (as part of the
Port Block refit) so that the ratlines tend to hold the upper sections a
little higher, so that the pins don't quite bed down into the off square

The twisted ones are more or less as new condition, and as per Frank, there
are no signs of post manufacture deformity.

File the facts under excrement happens, I think ;-)

Or better still, treat it as an obscure kind of mast rot, and design a
seagoing solution!

If TLC had a replacement available, I'd take it, but I haven't bothered to
chase it up.  I'm still grinning from ear to ear over getting hold of the
ship in the first place :-)  Just glorious......

Still baldly going......

Check out Port Block at

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Crooked mast extension bases...?
(...) Hmm, I was just noticing a few weeks ago (just before Brickfest when I was building a bunch of pirate ships) that I have one also. It looks like at one point they must have had the mold assembled wrong (the molds are multipart), though I would (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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