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Re: LEGO toy drive for disaster relief
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:28:33 GMT
4347 times
In lugnet.people, Jeffrey Findley wrote:
   In lugnet.people, Chris Giddens wrote:
Just a suggestion on making your LEGO giving to farther... Check out the green tag sale at TRU. Over the past week, Mark Sandlin and I have found around 100 X-Pods at 2 bucks a pop. (Plus some clickits and Bionicle sets too) These are already going to some kids in Georgia Shelters, but it does spread the love out a bit. The good thing about the X-Pods is portablility and storage for those in shelters who might be moving around.

Excellent suggestion! I’ll have to tell my wife about this. Hopefully she’ll have time tomorrow to check out the local TRU. If she finds any, I’ll suggest she get a dozen or so.


First, Check out Tuesday Morning stores, X-pods are $1.49, small pirate sets are $1.99. Then, check out Media-Play, X-pods are $1.88, some small city sets are $1.88. Then, go to TRU and pay $2.00 for X-pods.....


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO toy drive for disaster relief
(...) Excellent suggestion! I'll have to tell my wife about this. Hopefully she'll have time tomorrow to check out the local TRU. If she finds any, I'll suggest she get a dozen or so. Jeff (19 years ago, 15-Sep-05, to lugnet.people, FTX)

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