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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 2658
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When the world was young...
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 18:45:43 GMT
2280 times
When the world was young, the Anasazi roamed the Earth.  They were more than
just a nomadic people, for they were part of the world itself.  Where the
Anasazi roamed, plants flourished, game was plentiful and the races of Earth
thrived, as did peace among them.

But a shadow began to grow in the periphery of all the races.  And soon,
Anger was given birth, followed by Hate and Malice.  Colors began to mute
and weeds appeared in the world.

The Anasazi, though powerful as gods, could not adequately protect all the
peoples of the world.  Soon armies were amassed, lines drawn and battles
begun.  The world became at war with itself.  No race of the Earth was safe,
even from itself.

For centuries the war raged.  Gone from the knowledge of the world were the
High Arts, Trust and Compassion.  In their place grew Weapon Smithing,
Dubiety and Indifference.

The wisest and most adept of the Anasazi was named Agot.  Agot brought all
the Anasazi together, the first such meeting Time had ever witnessed.  He
called upon the power of all of the Anasazi and built a castle three miles
high.  Within its walls, a forge that drew upon the power of Earth's core
was constructed.  It was time for the Anasazi to wage war against the
darkness that afflicted the races of the world.  To this end, a mighty sword
was forged from the power of the Earth and of the Anasazi and the Sword of
Agot was born.  A single sword with which to purify the world.

A Champion was chosen, cleansed by the Sword and known only as the First.
He was then given the Sword of Agot and told to ride all the lands of Earth,
striking all who he came in contact with.  The First scourged the Earth and
purified all he came across for three hundred years.  When he was done, he
returned and placed the Sword of Agot in the heart of the castle.  With the
remaining power of the Anasazi, Agot sealed the castle to keep the races of
Earth safe from the temptation of power within.

The great castle slowly decayed into a mountain and became known as
Ancient's Keep. For seven thousand years, the world remained at peace and
the Sword of Agot passed into legend, secure in the heart of the mountain.
But the darkness was cunning and the First missed a few precious beings that
carried a shadow in their hearts.  The shadow did not forget about the sword
or the castle and for seven thousand years planned and rebuilt its strength.
The Sword of Agot, the shadow decided, would be the vehicle with which to
reclaim the Earth.  To this end, the shadow hoarded energy until it had
enough to cause the Earth to quake.  The world trembled with such force that
that day was forever known as God's Shudder and the races of Earth knew fear

The quake caused a great split in the Earth and it cracked Ancient's Keep
open, exposing its heart. No longer relegated to the stories of myth and
legend, the presence of the Sword of Agot became known to all the races.  No
kingdom could withstand whomever possessed such power, should it fall into
the wrong hands.  So once again, armies were amassed and now a race was born
to find and secure the Sword.  For the only certainty was that each kingdom
believed the only way it could be at peace was if it possessed the Sword of
Agot.  Once again a shadow appeared in the periphery of the races…


As mentioned earlier, this is a TL2 game utilizing magic.  Each being
utilizing SP, has an initial limit of 50 CP for the powers (once in battle,
there's nothing to stop a unit from picking up a magic item which
technically puts it over the 50 CP limit).  Additionally, each army is
allotted 1000 CP.  The game is scheduled for Sunday, April 27.  Jonathan,
once again, has graciously offered his home as the place where the carnage
will occur.  Right now, there are four definites (Shaun, Dave, Jonathan and
myself) and one tentative (Neil).  This game will involve teams, so if there
are others out there who want to play, please speak up within the next
couple of days, so we can determine how many armies there will be and who
the teams are...strategies must be devised and tactics thought out, not to
mention armies have to be assembled!

This is most definitely an equal opportunity game, so armies are encouraged
to be made up of multiple races.

Lastly, if you think the total army CP count should be modified (like to
1200 or 999.44), bring it up...and no, Shaun, you can't have 3000+ CP.

Oh, and one more thing...I think it would be helpful (necessary?) if at
least a couple of us worked on the scenery together, regardless of what team
you may ultimately be on.  Any on-lookers are also welcome to build things,
if they so desire.

- Joe

Message has 10 Replies:
  Re: When the world was young...
Dan and I should be able to make it. This sounds fab! I might even play! :) Jennifer (...) (21 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
<snip> (...) Can I be the relay race? (...) The table I have is 4' x 8' with one 4' side against the wall. There is also another table in the room that is 2' x 6' with one 6' side against the wall. I will be on vaction the two weeks prior to the (...) (21 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
(...) That said, is there any plot going on here concerning this here sword? Or said '3-mile-high-castle'? Is the goal to capture the sword? Might the sword be guarded by some 3rd party? Perhaps capturing the sword is only useful insofar as it's a (...) (21 years ago, 2-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
Hey, if it's not a big deal, I'm fairly certain that I can actually make this game - but... I don't think I can assemble an army (or, at the very least, I might need some help) and you guys give me an inferiority complex when it comes to building (...) (21 years ago, 3-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
Okay, The confirmed players are Shaun, Dave, Jonathan, Evil Wayne and myself. Dan and Jenn will be on-lookers and may also participate (if I understand correctly). Neil can't make it. I would really like to have at least three armies, since it adds (...) (21 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
(...) Wow. This is one of the longest (and most entertaining) threads I've noticed in the .nelug group. I honestly haven't read it all yet, so forgive me if my questions are repeats... I will try to be brief... 1. Where do you guys play? 2. About (...) (21 years ago, 7-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
So, just cuz I found myself wondering today... Game rules quickie summary (I think): Things we're decided on: ===...=== - Tek Level 2 (Medieval) - April 27th, 2003, Jonathan's place - Shaun & Wayne vs. Joe & Jonathan vs. Dave & Dan & Jenn - 1000 CP (...) (21 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
(...) *Snippity* (...) Oh dear Lord! (of the LEGO Rings)... I want to play soooo bad... but I can't make it since I will be out of Boston that weekend. :( :( :( This looks like the best TL2 game ever... but I must admit I got tired of reading this (...) (21 years ago, 13-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
Regarding the magic items that are going to be scattered about the land, I have one request...can we reserve the gold sword (from the Temple of Mount Everest, set 7417) for the Sword of Agot? It's not the end of the world if you already have designs (...) (21 years ago, 13-Apr-03, to
  Re: When the world was young...
Hey, shouldn't we name our kingdoms? Keep in mind that you don't have to reveal your races, just give the land they're coming from a name. And just to clarify, each *team* is a kingdom. - Joe "Joe Comeau" <> wrote in message (...) (21 years ago, 14-Apr-03, to

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