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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 2140
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Brikwars, Jan 18-19!
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:16:24 GMT
831 times
All right, here's the quasi-official announcement of the upcoming Brikwars

WHAT: Brikwars, WWII-themed
WHO: NELUG members and their guests
WHEN: Friday, January 18th, 2002 through into Saturday, January 19th, 2002.
Craig will let us know an appropriate time to start knocking on his door,
though I assume that most of us will be milling around the street hours before
that time just waiting until it is acceptable to rush in.
WHERE: The elegant abode of Sir Craig Agricola and his gracious wife, the
directions to which are forthcoming.  Failing that, drive to Worcester and look
for Craig.
WHY: Because we are sick, sick individuals

NOTES:  Because of the somewhat esoteric nature of this game's theme, players
need not supply and troops, vehicles, weapons, etc. of their own - all of that
will be provided, all prescored and assembled.  However, all participants are
encouraged to bring some scenery that would be period-appropriate - that is,
anything that could fit in 1930s-1940s Europe.  That can include hills, sheds,
cliffs, churches, stores, houses, train stations, old fashioned minifig-scale
cars, trees, bushes, and so on.  NOT appropriate are: space shuttles, nuclear
power plants, HP trolls, Formula 1 cars, and for the last time Tom, no Dunkin'
Donuts.  We'll have to spend awhile setting up and laying out the field and
forces, but that's much of the fun, actually.  We'll also need to sort out into
two teams and distribute the personnel when we get there, but I figure we're
all good-natured enough to make that go smoothly too.

It also wins you big points with the host and the other players if all involved
might bring a snack or drink.  I believe that a late-night undertaking of this
nature requires lots of caffeine, lots of of salt, and lots of uninhibited
indulgence in unhealthy foods.

It's also worth noting that one need not have played Brikwars before to enjoy
the game.  There will be enough of us dorks- er, more avid players to share
experience and provide guidance for newcomers.  Also, one need not even play
the game, but might content one's self with sitting and watching and talking
about LEGO and so on, much as a standard NELUG meeting might entail.

Hope to see you all there ...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brikwars, Jan 18-19!
I just sent out directions and related info to the NELUG mailing list. If you are planning on coming, and are not subscribed to the mailing list, send me an email so that I can forward the info to you. I'll see you all on Friday! -Craig (...) look (...) (22 years ago, 14-Jan-02, to

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