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 Off-Topic / Debate / 28613
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Re: Another Q for the Ambassadors to ask TLG, please?
Wed, 12 Sep 2007 00:05:36 GMT
9503 times
In, David Simmons wrote:
   In, Timothy Gould wrote:
   I do sincerely and absolutely believe that someone who can’t find a use for what could be considered a new type of piece is being unimaginitive. That’s an opinion which is highly unlikely to change. Maybe I shouldn’t be quite so blunt about that feeling but I am sick to death of all the stupid moaning about various things that Lego has ‘done’ to fans, particularly when such changes can be used to positive effect in MOCs.



Yeah, there’s been a lot of complaining lately, and I’m certainly guilty on that score. However, I believe most of the major complaints are all justifiable, i.e. the color change, click-hinge replacement of fingered hinges, Bionicle parts in System sets, and IR Trains without electrical track just to name a few. Those who can recall when TLG’s product was in its prime will always have difficulty with the current offerings. It’s hard to let go of fond memories of Forestmen, Futuron, and Main Street.

Agreed but also remember we now have Skeletons, Star Wars and Market Street. And I like seeing Bionicle parts in system sets so long as they go (which I agree can be hit and miss).

   It is sad to me that in order to survive, TLG has been forced and/or decided to morph their product into something that hardly resembles what came before. What’s most unfortunate is that all these things have so greatly polarized the fanbase to the point where it seems that there will always be two, fiercely divided camps. One side who decries the current state of things, the other decries the other side for complaining, rinse & repeat.

Well put. I just wish both camps would spend more time building etc. than complaining.

   I’m happy for you that you are trying to take a positive attitude towards the situation

Too many good new parts and colours for me to take any other position. The 9V trains issue (if they are gone) is the only one that really bugs me.

   However, perhaps that should include not using my initial post as an excuse to vent your own frustrations. You could have just said to yourself; “Dude, get a life!” and move on the next ng! :-)

At the least I should have been more polite about it so I’m sorry about that.

   Dave S.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Another Q for the Ambassadors to ask TLG, please?
(...) Heh, we'll have to agree to disagree there. I just don't think they mesh with the System at all. (...) Wouldn't it be nice? I think one of the reasons that there's so little traffic on Lugnet these days is due in part to the fact that a (...) (17 years ago, 12-Sep-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Another Q for the Ambassadors to ask TLG, please?
(...) Yeah, there's been a lot of complaining lately, and I'm certainly guilty on that score. However, I believe most of the major complaints are all justifiable, i.e. the color change, click-hinge replacement of fingered hinges, Bionicle parts in (...) (17 years ago, 11-Sep-07, to, FTX)

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