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 Off-Topic / Debate / 28607
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Re: Another Q for the Ambassadors to ask TLG, please?
Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:25:41 GMT
8703 times
In lugnet.ambassadors, Timothy Gould wrote:

I think you'll find that there has always been variation in the depth of the
texture on slope bricks, it's just that the variation is now greater. I'll
hazard a guess and say that TLG are using their molds for longer to save money.

From what I remember  when we last asked that question, the answer was indeed
that one - the textured area of slopes is wearing off with time; in particular
when molds are cleaned.

We'll pass the question again anyway.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Another Q for the Ambassadors to ask TLG, please?
(...) I think you'll find that there has always been variation in the depth of the texture on slope bricks, it's just that the variation is now greater. I'll hazard a guess and say that TLG are using their molds for longer to save money. If you (...) (17 years ago, 10-Sep-07, to lugnet.ambassadors, ! 

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