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 LEGO Company / 3424
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Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
Sun, 15 May 2005 02:16:35 GMT
8998 times
Here's something that would really set the AFOL community into an • uproar....
what if the affiliates were able to get bricks (or parts) in bulk that • were not
available to the general AFOL community.  Although I doubt this would • happen.
(Akin to opening Pandora's Lego Box).

Gary Istok

I think an even greater uproar would result if the bricks are glued together
for the project!

More to the point, can the Affiliate keep the bricks and/or sell them?  I
would be surprised if the answer to this is yes, because it would turn any
Affiliate in the ABS equivalent of a crack dealer!  ;-)

Dave S.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
(...) Here's something that would really set the AFOL community into an uproar.... what if the affiliates were able to get bricks (or parts) in bulk that were not available to the general AFOL community. Although I doubt this would happen. (Akin to (...) (19 years ago, 15-May-05, to, FTX)

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