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Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
Sat, 14 May 2005 20:25:09 GMT
8871 times
In, Jeff Stembel wrote:
   In, Ted Michon wrote:
   In, Ted Michon wrote:

   What you need is a term like LEGO Professional or Certified LEGO Designer -- something appropriate for an individual.

Upon another minute’s thought, the term that really seems appropriate is Certified LEGO Professional.

Except that to me says they’ve taken an expensive training course, an expensive test, and have an ID card so they can show off their status...


Ok, people are spending way too much time worrying about the name. You know we’re just gonna end up using some abbreviation like “LAffi” in true online lego community style.

Now what I want to know is what’s all this about bricks in bulk? What exactly is considered an “appropriate project?”

--B Mauro

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
(...) Here's something that would really set the AFOL community into an uproar.... what if the affiliates were able to get bricks (or parts) in bulk that were not available to the general AFOL community. Although I doubt this would happen. (Akin to (...) (19 years ago, 15-May-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
(...) Except that to me says they've taken an expensive training course, an expensive test, and have an ID card so they can show off their status... Jeff (19 years ago, 14-May-05, to, FTX)

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