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 LEGO Company / 3417
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Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
Fri, 13 May 2005 23:34:00 GMT
8088 times
In, Ted Michon wrote:
   In, Jake McKee wrote:
   What is the LEGO Affiliate Program? Glad you asked!

LEGO(R) Affiliates are artists and entrepreneurs...


I’m surprised at the name choice. TLC usually chooses billion dollar companies as partners for co-marketing, joint ventures, and other business relationship. “Affiliate” is almost universally a term in the same league and implies a pretty tight business ownership path. The relationship intended here is recognition of individuals and authorized association with the brand. What you need is a term like “LEGO Professional” or “Certified LEGO Designer” -- something appropriate for an individual.


I totally disagree. The term Affiliate to my mind suggests something that’s open to anyone, the prototypical example being’ affiliate program. When I saw the subject of Jake’s email, I thought they were introducing some kind of deal where I could put a link to Shop@Home on my Web page and receive a small kickback whenever a customer uses that link to order LEGO products there.

I will agree with you in one respect though: it’s not a very good name choice.

I do, however, think it’s a great idea and one whose time has come. I might start getting serious about doing LEGO sculpture as a business if I thought I could use this program to get raw materials, etc.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Introducing the LEGO Affiliate Program
(...) Jake- I'm surprised at the name choice. TLC usually chooses billion dollar companies as partners for co-marketing, joint ventures, and other business relationship. "Affiliate" is almost universally a term in the same league and implies a (...) (19 years ago, 12-May-05, to, FTX)

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