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 General / 18420
    What color is this? —Dan Boger (20-May-00)
        Re: What color is this? —Greg Majewski (20-May-00)
        Re: What color is this? —Peter White (20-May-00)
        Re: What color is this? —John Neal (20-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Frank Filz (21-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Jennifer L. Boger (21-May-00)
        Re: What color is this? —Suzanne D. Rich (21-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Shiri Dori (21-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Suzanne D. Rich (21-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Frank Filz (21-May-00)
          Re: What color is this? —Suzanne D. Rich (22-May-00)
          Re: What color is this? —Frank Filz (22-May-00)
          Re: What color is this? —Suzanne D. Rich (23-May-00)
         Re: What color is this? —Wayne R. Hussey (22-May-00)
        Re: What color is this? —Paul Davidson (22-May-00)
        Color chart —Suzanne D. Rich (29-May-00)

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