A BrikWars question
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 18:58:26 GMT
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All you BrikWars guys. Particularly, Mike Rayhawk.
I am preparing to field a Medieval army and I have some suggestions
for changes. Looking at the charts for hand-held missile weapons, the
range for bows seems too short.
There are three major types of bows in pre-gunpowder combat. I'd
suggest the following changes.
Cross Bow: 1UR when used one-handed
Short Bow: 6" range
Long Bow: 12" range, 1d6 damage, 1CP, 1UR, TL2
LBows would need to be distinguished from SBows. Add a piece, like
I think this would reflect what a LBow can really do. My biggest
problem with the current system is that a bow can only be used when a
melee opponent is one turn distant. A long bow is very effective at
50-300 feet. A line of archers should have two flights off before a
charging footmen can reach them. A mounted charge should be a race
whether the second shot can be fired.
I think these changes would reflect that. BTW, assuming the SBow as
a base bow, the LBow would be SBow w/ +1TL(-1CP), +6"(+1.5CP), +1UR (-
1CP), +1 damage(+0.5CP) = 1 - 1 + 1.5 - 1 + 0.5 = 1CP.
On a seperate note, but related, I can't find the rules for
acceleration. I see references to them. I see a way to ignore them.
I can't find the actual rules. Is this a subtle way to suggest they
should be ignored? <voice style="pitiful, squeaky"> help </voice>.
I also have some thoughts on spears and lances. But I need to work
those out in my head.
Message has 2 Replies: | | Re: A BrikWars question
| (...) It's true; we were trying to keep the range lower than Pistols, which had to be lower than Rifles, which had to be lower than Siege Weapons, which had to be lower than two feet or nobody would be able to clear enough space for a proper (...) (25 years ago, 11-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
| | | Re: A BrikWars question
| ...OOOH! Since we are talking bows and stuff. The rules say that you have to buy a *bow and a quiver to be able to fire them. I think that one round/arrow/bolt/whatever should be included in the cost of the *bow. This would allow the fig to fire one (...) (25 years ago, 13-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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