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Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 06:45:59 GMT
709 times
Having said all of that, on an open plain, I'm toast against flyers.  If
I can hide behind and under things, I can play my strengths.

I'll tell a good quick house rule that will solve a lot of your problems - the
thing about medieval cities and landscapes is, they are just always covered in
mist and fog.  They went for so many years sometimes between sunny days that
they actually ended up calling them the Dark Ages, from what I understand.
The point of all this is, when running a battle between flyers and knights,
you can claim that there is a thick low-lying fog, such that any unit at an
altitude higher than 10" has zero visibility and can only fire at targets if
there is a Scout targeting them.  This forces any flyers that wish to engage
in combat to remain within range of archers and thrown objects (not a big
deal, since it takes a whole bunch of archers to shoot down an A-Wing), and
furthermore if you build nice tall trees, towers, and mountains, it becomes
difficult for the flyers to maneuver at attack alititudes.

Just an idea.

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) That is a good idea! That would be PERFECT for cross-TL battles! It would also provide your Flyers with cover -- they could just dive (or pull up) into the fog and hide. (...) What would happen to a Mech that was taller then 10" ? Drew (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Inaugural Ohio BrikWars Meeting
(...) I'm not likely to field another keep any time soon. Re-reading the rules Saturday made me realize that my real strength as a TL2/3 army is in my ability to field fairly fast and powerful units (mounted knights) fairly cheaply. For the cost of (...) (25 years ago, 17-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming,

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