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Re: The eBrick Gallery (TeBAG)
Sun, 17 Dec 2006 22:47:15 GMT
8502 times
In, Nathan Proudlove wrote:
   Hey Janey, this is an amazing gallery! I do so appreciate the work that you have put into this. This is so refreshing and different from so many other galleries and blogs out there. You are truly a pillar of this community.

Nathan Proudlove

Thanks Nathan, I appreciate the kind words. I really enjoyed making this gallery and I hope that it will grow with suggestions from others.

Janey “Red Brick”

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The eBrick Gallery (TeBAG)
Hey Janey, this is an amazing gallery! I do so appreciate the work that you have put into this. This is so refreshing and different from so many other galleries and blogs out there. You are truly a pillar of this community. Nathan Proudlove (17 years ago, 17-Dec-06, to, FTX)

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