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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 65
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[CW] The Lapidarium
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 15:17:11 GMT
2917 times
I've been able to translate some of an ancient text Erik found
in his recent travels. He now understands some more of what happened
to him a little while ago in Nihon and shudders at the thought
of the magnitude of the plots underway.

The ideas contained within are a work in progress. Contributions
are welcome but please do not be offended if they are not adopted
in their original form. In time each of the gems will appear in at
least one ballard. I'd prefer (but have no way to enforce) that I,
though not neccessarily Eirk, am involved in each story. I have
no wish to claim the lego gem peices for my own, I'm sure there
are many many other magical gems out there, please go on using any
ideas you've had regarding these. I am setting up a major story
arc for my stories in castle world, after all every writer needs
somewhere to go. Having the gems means I can set up corrobrations
e.g. Franklin already has Eltanin due to the Nihon adventure(1))
with myself and one the gems are 'out there' they can be traded
back and forth in the same way as realms, heirs, fortunes, spells,
etc... might be. I'm aiming for them to be a stimulus (not that
anyone really needs more inspiration) to stories told within
castleworld. I've delibratly said that Billund created more gems
than there are currently available colours (I hope!) In order to
stop anyone (so far, you never know..) from claiming all the gems
and hence controlling everybody's lego creations. Anyway, I
apologise for the length of the ramble; on with the translation.
As always, any feedback is appreciated and welcomed.

         From: The Lapidarium

...And so it came to pass that the mighty craftsman Billund did
create gems from the raw material of the universe. Each had
their proper hue and virtue, Twelve they were. Over time they
have been scattered to the far ends of the worlds. All have
gained grand histories and long names, all have been sought,
found, used and lost but never all brought together.
It is prophesied that when all the stones are gathered
together and set in their proper order then the powers shall
be released from the gems endowing the gatherer with a might to
match Billund, to be able create (or destroy) all that has been
built and recorded...

Fragments of the aspects of the stones.
Proper Stone Name Properties
Red Ruby Eltanin, Rastaban Prowess in Battle
       Antares (The Dragon's heart)
Light Blue Topaz Aquilla Opus, Alshain Vision (of other places/times)
Clear Diamond
Dark Green Emerald
Yellow Citrine
Dark Blue Sapphire

Note:The kinds of stones don't have to be real, fantasic
names may do just as well.

James (who has too many ideas and not enough lego...)

(1)The Nihon adventure will be released soon I promise,
I've got holidays coming up, I'll do it then!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: [CW] The Lapidarium
(...) Wow. This is kinda bizarre, because it's very similar to a storyline that I myself was going to do before Castle World got started. (I've more or less set that one aside to bring a tighter focus onto the Sain/Batu storyline). The plot involved (...) (24 years ago, 5-Apr-00, to
  Re: [CW] The Lapidarium
Wow, James, that sounds intriguing... I'd love to hear more. In fact, I just made up some more. I have a feeling that one of my magicians (not in the present; at least seventy years back) had gained his amazing power (either directly or indirectly) (...) (24 years ago, 5-Apr-00, to

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