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Pictures of Blacksmith Shop Online
Wed, 3 May 2000 23:24:59 GMT
700 times
Hey everyone!
I just got pictures of my blacksmith shop back, and uploaded to Brickshelf.
Check them out at
and please let me know what you think of it. I plan on LDrawing it as soon as I
get the time and ambition.

Now some captioning for the pictures, although most should be self-explanitory.

2ndfloorinterior.jpg  Well it doesn't take much to figure out that this is the
second story of the building, the living quarters. We see Wilhelm Graham,the
blacksmith, taking a rest while his wife and son, Robert Graham, eat their
midday meal.

backexterior.jpg  Another self explanitory one :)  Here we see the back of the
building with the chimney and tree. It is hard to see, but where the vine is
coming from the center of the tree, is a secret hiding place.

blacksmithinterior.jpg  The inside of the blacksmith shop. We can see Wilhelm
at work in this picture. To the left are tools or weapons that need work.
Behind him is his tool rack which is empty because I only had two tools for him
because I didn't know what blacksmiths use for tools. The Furnace and Wheel
were taken from a Lego Idea Book.

captureofkent.jpg  In this picture we see the capture of Lord Kent, the
patriot who has been accused as a traitor. We can see Sir John of Wellingham
making the arrest. Hark! is that Lord Kent's faithful woodcutters I see! Maybe
he is not yet doomed!

lordkent.jpg  Here we see the patriot Lord Kent and his faithful woodcutters.
In front and to the right of the blacksmith shop are some peasants who are
tired of British oppression.

sirjohnofwelingham.jpg  In this picture we see Sir John of Wellingham talking
to Wilhelm Graham. To the left we see Robert Graham and his fiancee Helen

Well that's all I have for pictures and there's not much else I can add for

Enjoy, and PLMKWYT!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pictures of Blacksmith Shop Online
Hi Ryan! I like your shop. The way you constructed the cut-off corner is nice, and I like the way you incorporated the castle-wall sections in the building so that they are almost unnoticable. A few quests/comments: What camera did you use? With (...) (24 years ago, 4-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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