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Re: The Eastern Invasion begins...
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:52:23 GMT
792 times
In lugnet.castle, Kung-Khoon Quah writes:
... tonite at midnite.  You won't be disappointed !!

The Eastern Invasion begins from the Land of the Rising Sun.
The Year is 1600...The Keicho Era...
The Place is Kyushu, Japan...

The Setting...Fuedal Japan
It is a legendary time ...Samurai warriors and Ninja assassins of
rival warlords (daimyos) are vying for control of this Island nation.

Kumamoto Castle has just been completed...The Lord of Kumamoto mobilizes
his soldiers in anticipation of the coming battle...He carefully tours
his new fortress surveying it's defenses and inspiring his soldiers with
ancestral stories of honor and glory...
The Sekigahara War was fought between the opposing forces of east and
west Japan and Kumamoto castle stands in a key area.

This will be a 3 part post.

The first wave which starts Sunday Apr 16 will feature the exterior
pics of Kumamoto Castle MOC & include the following features:
- historically accurate (as I can) of the double donjon castle
called Kumamoto which is a 5 tier donjon connected and
integrated to a 3 tier donjon
- many Japanese fortification features from stone-throwing windows,
barred/marksmen windows, observation areas, etc.
- large and imposing.  It is 96 studs x 54 studs (30 inches x 17 inches)
and stands 18.5 inches tall and weighs about 21 pounds.
- building sets include the better part of five 6093 (FNFs), two
6089 (Stone Tower Bridges), three 3053 (Emperor Strongholds), eight
6033 (Ninja Treasure Transports), black and white bricks from two blue
tubs, 4 large green baseplate, 1 large gray baseplate, two red roof
bricks from dacta 9265, two service packs black roof bricks 5216,
and more black bricks from an ebay auction.

The second wave which starts next Sunday (April 23) will be the
interior shots of Kumamoto Castle MOC which includes:
- fully removable tiers and modular roof sections to show all
aspects of the interior.
- interior walkway access to all fortification elements
- details of the overlapping roof/gable designs
- details of the access between the different castle tiers

The third and last wave which ends the following Sunday (Apr 30)
will be the webpage which I am working on which will spotlight
the various elements and details on how I put them together to
form the castle fortifications.  It will not be a brick by brick
instruction but will be detailed photos/discussion of elements that
make up a Japanese Castle - this is in hopes that others would
enjoy building their own Japanese castle and give some ideas in
that direction.

This is a collaborative effort between KK Quah and John Kanehl to
demonstrate the Building and story telling possibilities of the
Lego Ninja theme ...
John will be following up mid-week with his designs.

For those who have not seen my initial castle the link is:

Note: Kumamoto castle MOC is about 3 times the base area and
4 times the volume of the initial version.

It was a pleasure building it.

  ~ yumm! i feel like the waiter just read me a list of great dishes at my
favourite restaurant! now, i'm looking forward to being served! i've enjoyed
what i've seen so far, kung khoon!

  later ~ craig~

Message is in Reply To:
  The Eastern Invasion begins...
... tonite at midnite. You won't be disappointed !! The Eastern Invasion begins from the Land of the Rising Sun. The Year is 1600...The Keicho Era... The Place is Kyushu, Japan... The Setting...Fuedal Japan It is a legendary time ...Samurai warriors (...) (24 years ago, 15-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle,  

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