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Re: Forestmen, Wolfpack, Bull-men, and the Undead
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:22:44 GMT
2523 times
In lugnet.castle, Paul Davidson writes:
That other thread seemed to be getting too long, so I thought I'd add my
thoughts here.

In my world, here's how it goes.

The Forestmen are Robin Hood types.  They have their own secret forest
hideouts and little castles.  They live off the forest, but frequently rob
the nobles and tax-collectors for their ill-gotten gains.  They are good,
but can be friend or enemy to the King, depending on the politics of the
day.  Some say they have Elven blood in their veins, which enhances their
stealth, eyesight, and physical acumen (i.e. they are expert fighters and
archers).  They regard the Stag as a magical beast, and have made it their
coat of arms.

I haven't quite figured out the role of my Forestmen yet. I think they will
have allegiance to the King (the Knight's Kingdom-type king), but will not be
his subjects. Maybe there is a personal union between the ruling families, like
James being King of England and Scotland. I think my Forestmen will be
generally law-abiding good guys. They have a neat little tree-fort. I like your
idea that they are elf-related, especially since I got the idea for the
tree-fort from the Galadrim of Lord of the Rings.

Wolfmen are bandits and thieves.  Many belong to a secret Thieves' Guild.
They have hideouts in various towns, and they keep their loot in secret
caves.  They know better than to rob Forestmen, though.  The deadliness and
cunning of the Wolf has made this animal a symbol of pride to them.

Since the only Wolfpack sets I have are 3 Wolfpack Renegade carts, my Wolfpack
are traders. I am thinking of making them into a guild that has exclusive
rights to extra-kingdom trading, making them the link to other peoples. Also, I
am reading a book about English timber-framed buildings which has some nice
guildhalls in it. I might have to change their heads so they look less
unscrupulous. You should get a couple of the Ninja robbers to go with them.
They look very theivish, especially the one with the patch and cap.

The Bull-men are a rough Norse-type culture, living to the north.  They are
less centralized than the Kingdom, and each village typically has its own
chief.  Sometimes they get into trouble for pirating trade routes.  But they
are formidable warriors and can aid the Kingdom in times of trouble.  Their
mainstay is cattle farming, and they see the Bull as a symbol of strength
and virility; hence they have adopted its likeness on their shields, and
wear bull horns upon their helmets.

My Bullmen have been converted into a nomadic horse-people, such as the Huns or
Mongols. They are mostly mounted archers who carrying their belongings in
wagons. And I got rid of those stupid helmets. I like the bull being a symbol
of virility!

The undead consist mainly of Ghosts and Skeletons (zombies).  Ghosts are
often the result of a curse or placed upon someone near death.  They wander
the darker corners of the Kingdom, seeking rest or revenge.  Skeletons are
the dead, re-animated by the powerful magic of an evil mage or similar
person, and usually under their control.

I have a few magical, non-rational characters such as wizards and witches,
which I haven't fully integrated yet. I have a nature-type wizard patterned
after Radagast from LOTR, who will probably be aligned with the Forestmen.
There is also a primitive shaman guy, who will go with the Cow People. I am
trying to get 13 witches so as to have a coven.
My castle page is at:

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Forestmen, Wolfpack, Bull-men, and the Undead
(...) Wolfpack (...) Also, I (...) nice (...) What book is this? Does it have good reference pictures of said buildings? Paul Davidson (24 years ago, 30-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Forestmen, Wolfpack, Bull-men, and the Undead
(...) Oh yeah, terrific page! I love the tree-fort. Paul Davidson (24 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Forestmen, Wolfpack, Bull-men, and the Undead
That other thread seemed to be getting too long, so I thought I'd add my thoughts here. In my world, here's how it goes. The Forestmen are Robin Hood types. They have their own secret forest hideouts and little castles. They live off the forest, but (...) (24 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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