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 Castle / 3128
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Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 16:56:25 GMT
1343 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Johnston writes:
The LEGO purist in me has risen up on occasion and lamented that the gold
coins even exist...what was wrong with using yellow 1x1 rounds like they
used to? Not only are they close enough to be gold coins, but they could
be used for other things as well.

Yep, that's true...
When I was little (well, littler :-) I used the yellow transparent 1x1 rounds
(dots) - my cousin and I had a currency system we used for our games. 2 red
trans. dots - rubies - were equal to one clear dot (a diamond). Trans yellow
dots were gold (OK, we didn't think about *solid* gold ;-), trans greens were
emeralds, trans blue were sapphires, and so forth...

This is not to say that I'll be trading away my hoard of gold...8)

Too bad :-)

If you wanted treasure chests full of stuff I'd add some of the yellow
goblets (I know *I* have a bunch of these), maybe chrome knives if you
have any, 1x1 rounds or faceted gems as has been suggested...there's
always the Adventurers 'Golden Bedpan' too...

A bedpan... so THAT'S what it is... ;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
(...) I always (and still do) use the trans-yellow as topaz. :) Now that there are cut gems, I use them as uncut, or rough, gems. :) (...) Darn, I need a lot to cover the floor of my Dragon's lair... (...) Yup, that face on it is the maker's seal. (...) (24 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
(...) The LEGO purist in me has risen up on occasion and lamented that the gold coins even exist...what was wrong with using yellow 1x1 rounds like they used to? Not only are they close enough to be gold coins, but they could be used for other (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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