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 Castle / 3140
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Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 21:19:09 GMT
979 times
In lugnet.castle, David Eaton writes:
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
-Water wheel for a mill: Take four treasure chests, attach each one on top • the
other with all the hinges pointing to the same direction (they should like
like weird steps or something). Now open each treasure chest without
disconnecting it from the others. Connect the bottom chest with the cover of
the last one (in a circle-y shape). Here you go, a weird water wheel! All you
need to do is connect it somehow (don't ask me how :-) to a technic axle, and
build a mill around it (see Dave Eaton's mill...)


-Trough for farmhouse: Take two 1x1x1 bricks with one SNOT (Stud Not On Top).
Connect brick A to the brick B's side stud, with brick A's SNOT facing
downward. Now disconnect a cover from one treasure chest, flip it over (the
cover) and attach it to brick A's stud-hole, that should be on the top (if • you
understod my vague directions...). There you go - a trough. Add Franklin
Cain's pigs and you got yourself a great addition to your farm!

Umm... am I the only one that doesn't know what a SNOT is? Apparently • something
with no studs on top but a side stud? And it's got a stud hole on the bottom?
I'm picturing a 1x1 headlight piece without the top stud... that can't be
right! I like the little trough that Franklin posted just a minute ago using
the chest-top, 1x4 tile, and 2 1x1 round plates, but THAT's not what you
is it?

No. I meant a 1x1 brick with a side stud - except I didn't know what to call
it. I do now, tho'...

See here:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
(...) Shiri, check this out: (URL) is the list of all current LDraw parts, with their names and pictures. Most people can recognize them, or you can post a link to the picture. :) When in doubt, just describe how you've seen it used. :) Jeff, (...) (24 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Some silly uses for all those extra treasure chests
(...) :) (...) Umm... am I the only one that doesn't know what a SNOT is? Apparently something with no studs on top but a side stud? And it's got a stud hole on the bottom? I'm picturing a 1x1 headlight piece without the top stud... that can't be (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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