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 Castle / 2397
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Re: Map Scale, Realms, etc.
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:49:39 GMT
778 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Johnston writes:
Castle World is infinitely large, so we don't need to conserve space.
Why, then, is there a fixed realm size?  What purpose does it serve?  If
Jeff Stembel wants to have a continent-spanning kingdom, why not let him?

Similarly, if I want to have small structures dotted all over the map in
different places, why not?  Why do I need a dozen realms (and four ballads
each) to do it?  (That rule will make any kind of travelling character
difficult to do - Sain isn't often going to stay in one place long enough
for four ballads!)

All the people in CW seem to be able to communicate and cooperate quite
well, so here's my proposal:

Craig has (somewhere) a map of (part of) Castle World.  When it gets
posted, why don't we just talk it out and say, "Hey, I'd like to have
stuff here and here" (maybe a latitude/longitude system would be a good
idea!)  We all seem to be mature enough to deal with this sort of thing.
(And if someone takes the spot you wanted, we can always add another one
similar to it on the edge of the map!) • <snipped bits>
We don't need to worry about people 'hogging' all the space - because
there's an infinite amount of it!  If someone else wants a
continent-spanning empire, heck, we'll just drop it in! • <snipped more bits>
As for the map scale, I would make it in 'leagues' or some similar unit,
and say that a normal minifig can travel X leagues in a day of solid
walking.  That will give us a scale that's large enough to represent
kingdoms but still let us have plenty of freedom in what we put into the
areas and not make us worry about how many 'studs' we have in our 'realm'.
(it also allows for use of different scales of selective compression if
needed!  A house or a shop could be nearly 'full-size' while a castle
might not be able to be, unless you're Ed Boxer...)

An excellent suggestion.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Map Scale, Realms, etc.
(...) I agree, mostly. I think we should take this in mind. Shiri (URL) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Map Scale, Realms, etc.
It sounds like a lot of people are really confused by the whole 'realms' and map sections thing. I've got a suggestion, and I think that it will make stuff a lot easier - and I hope it will make people happy. To do this I have to question a basic (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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