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 Castle / 18500
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Re: Herid's Rare Books and Manuscripts
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 16:44:50 GMT
1893 times
   Do you have to be careful with the books falling out? I came up with a technique to stop that. If you place a lego rubber band on the underside of the top bookshelf plate, it creates enough friction to keep the books in place. You can even tip the creation on its side.

The books fall out all the time. So I built little shipping racks to hold stuff in place when I move it around. I’ll have to try the technique with the rubber bands.

Hehe, those shipping racks are cool. Maybe I will get to take photos of my rubber band technique sometime. Please let me know if it works for you. Thanks.


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  Re: Herid's Rare Books and Manuscripts
(...) That's where he puts the wood for the stove. Keeps things nice and tidy. (URL) (...) The books fall out all the time. So I built little shipping racks to hold stuff in place when I move it around. I'll have to try the technique with the rubber (...) (20 years ago, 10-Nov-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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