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Re: Castle Minifig Races
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 21:34:20 GMT
1131 times
In lugnet.castle, Bill Jackson writes:
Any ideas for medieval races in a half-fantasy half-realistic world?

Well, I'm planning (and starting) that type of world right now.
My main types of characters/races are gonna be: (notice I have many names
missing. I haven't thought of those yet.)

The [Imperial? Royal? Monarchs?]: Good King Franz rules the Lion knights. He
has an army of his own, but mostly he oversees his Earls/Barons/Dukes and
their armies in a Feudal-like system of heirarchy. Each one of them has an
individual army (nicknamed Cubs, i.e. the children of the King Lion), but they
are all loyal to the king and bear his emblem (the royal knights / knight's
kingdom lions). Every army has it's own color and favored weapons (e.g. The
Oceanic Cubs, all with blue legs and arms, ruled by the Earl of [insert
name].). (1)

Forest dwellers: individual warriors, these people are mostly loners and
prefer not to live in the villages and towns. They build their own houses,
some atop trees, others not. They might cooperate with the king's soldiers or
they might cause them trouble - attacking several at a time, stealing their
weapons and treasure. One must be catious while encountering a Forest dweller,
or one might turn up dead. (Some of them ARE nice, though. One never knows. :-)

~(The following categories are stuff that I'd LIKE to do, but I'll be damned
if I ever manage to have enough money to accomplish)~

The Bully Bulls: With their own King, the Bulls are down-right enemies of
Franz and his allies. They want to acquire the vast lands that Franz's
citizens accomodate, and they are managing to do so, little by little. Asa of
this moment, they are not at war with the [Imperial guys] but they're only
waiting for a spark. The bulls are very aggresive, BTW, and are constantly
trying to develop new and unexpected war tactics. Their Evil and Devious King
lives in the Castle of [name undecided yet] and often pays forest dwellers to
attack the Cubs.

Peasants/villagers: Poor farmers, each working under a baron or earl (another
characteristic of a feudal system) or (if they are on the Bulls' land) trying
to work while being extremely exploited.
They live in small towns or villages, working on their Baron's estate (again,
only if they are loyal to the royal (2) knights).

I might have s'more guys inspired from yours but I don't have many other races
(only one dragon guy, two forestmen, one Black Knight, no Crusaders, Dark
Foresters or anything else)

So far,
I have:

Ice Knights:  white-uniformed figs armed with the trans-blue spears, they live
to the north of the continent using arctic baseplates and polar bears.

Cool. I think many people were inspired by those trans-blue spears, and I'd
love to have some.

Barbarians:  Figs using a mixture of pirate, indian, castle, and stingray
elements to create a barbarian-ish look, they are armed with axes, pikes, and
clubs.  They live in the western mountains in crude societies that often
declare war on each other.

Good idea. Those are similar to my forestmen - I like to use a forest as a
setting for small groups, but mountains are definitely good for that too. (I
just don't have enough BURPs to make large-scaled mountains.

[snipped s'more good ideas]

I'd love to continue this discussion another time but I have to go.

(1) The reason I'm doin' this is because I don't have enough men to create one
big, solid army. This way, I change the people around each time and I *feel*
like I have lots of people. :-)

(2) Don't you love how that sounds?

Message is in Reply To:
  Castle Minifig Races
Any ideas for medieval races in a half-fantasy half-realistic world? So far, I have: Ice Knights: white-uniformed figs armed with the trans-blue spears, they live to the north of the continent using arctic baseplates and polar bears. Barbarians: (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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