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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 4662
4661  |  4663
Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 23:44:23 GMT
16005 times
In, Jim DeVona wrote:

The 1.0 LDraw File Format specification itself is silent on the matter of line
endings, but indeed the "File Format Restrictions for Official Parts" requires
DOS line endings (

So, because I am a geek, and because I was curious about the practical reasons
for the DOS line ending requirement, I conducted a relatively comprehensive
compatibility inventory.

Of nearly twenty programs tested (see the post for repetitive screenshots), only
James J's LDRAW and LEDIT (and perhaps LDAO, although I didn't test it) actually
rely on DOS line endings. The rest, running on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux,
were all capable of loading a model formatted with Unix line endings.

My conclusion is essentially that this is as it should be - we have a format
that preserves compatibility with older components, and tools that are robust
enough to understand reasonable exceptions to the format.

Also, wow - as I started collecting screenshots and trying out less familiar
programs, it became evident just how much interesting LDraw software there is. I
think this is great news for the community, and something for the developers
(and the Jessimans) to be proud of.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) Yes, what a fantastic collection of software we have, and all for free! After trying some alternatives, I have returned to use Windows Notepad as my LDraw file editor. The alternatives all had their advantages, but for various reasons I wasn't (...) (14 years ago, 9-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) putting that together, it was a neat read. (...) Exactly. (...) :) Steve (14 years ago, 9-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) The 1.0 LDraw File Format specification itself is silent on the matter of line endings, but indeed the "File Format Restrictions for Official Parts" requires DOS line endings ((URL) opinion is that while well-behaved software should output (...) (14 years ago, 6-Jan-10, to

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