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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 4663
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Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad
Sat, 9 Jan 2010 00:21:35 GMT
16091 times
In, Jim DeVona wrote:
In, Jim DeVona wrote:

The 1.0 LDraw File Format specification itself is silent on the matter of line
endings, but indeed the "File Format Restrictions for Official Parts" requires
DOS line endings (

So, because I am a geek, and because I was curious about the practical reasons
for the DOS line ending requirement, I conducted a relatively comprehensive
compatibility inventory.

Of nearly twenty programs tested (see the post for repetitive screenshots), only
James J's LDRAW and LEDIT (and perhaps LDAO, although I didn't test it) actually
rely on DOS line endings. The rest, running on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux,
were all capable of loading a model formatted with Unix line endings.

My conclusion is essentially that this is as it should be - we have a format
that preserves compatibility with older components, and tools that are robust
enough to understand reasonable exceptions to the format.

Also, wow - as I started collecting screenshots and trying out less familiar
programs, it became evident just how much interesting LDraw software there is. I
think this is great news for the community, and something for the developers
(and the Jessimans) to be proud of.


Yes, what a fantastic collection of software we have, and all for free!

After trying some alternatives, I have returned to use Windows Notepad as my
LDraw file editor. The alternatives all had their advantages, but for various
reasons I wasn't quite comfortable with any of them.

No previous version and not even XP's Notepad handles Unix LF's correctly. But
since I found out the quick and easy WordPad method I mentioned a couple of days
ago, it's a very little problem to me now. So personally, I could live with the
CRLF requirement being dropped, it's not that big a deal anytime, but I'm
thankful that it hasn't been done yet.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Issue with new LDConfig.ldr
(...) for the DOS line ending requirement, I conducted a relatively comprehensive compatibility inventory. (URL) nearly twenty programs tested (see the post for repetitive screenshots), only James J's LDRAW and LEDIT (and perhaps LDAO, although I (...) (14 years ago, 8-Jan-10, to, lugnet.cad)

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